Steam Deck – PluginLoader and PowerTools

Steam Deck – PluginLoader

With the „PluginLoader“ you can add plugins and thus new functions to GameScope. Here can you find informations about it:

Steam Deck – PowerTools

With „PowerTools“ you can change CPU related settings on the fly.

What can yo do with „PowerTools“?

  • Limit the CPU threads of 1 to 8
  • Enable / disable the CPU Boost option
  • Set the CPU max frequency

Why this can help?

  • Some emulators are running better with only 1 or 2 threads and you get better performance and less issues
  • You can save energy from the battery, at games which need so much CPU threads

Here you can find the website of „PowerTools“:

Steam Deck – PluginLoader / PowerTools installation

At first you have to install the „PluginLoader“ and than the plugin „PowerTools“:

  1. If you don´t set the passwort for the Steam Deck Account, do this first:
  2. Go to the System Settings and enable the Developer Mode
  3. Scroll down on the left side to Developer Mode
  4. Enable the option CEF Remote Debugging
  5. Switch to the Desktop mode and start the „Konsole“

5. Now enter this command in the „Konsole“:

curl -L | sh
6. Now you have to type the password and enter

7. Go into the directory of the installed „PluginLoader“ with that commands, that we can install „PowerTools“ in the correct directory:

cd homebrew
cd plugins

8. Now you have to copy the „PowerTools“ files from the GIT reposiroty to the plugins folder of „PluginLoader“. We need the permissions from sudo, because the directory is no writable without:

sudo git clone

At last you can restart the Steam Deck and now you can use the „PowerTools“ plugin. Please note: You can control the plugins only with the touchpad.

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